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Custom Field Advanced Usage

In this article, we'll show you how to import your own high-level components, which you can configure through the designer, handle events, and so on.

Encapsulate the Paging Data Table Component

We will encapsulate a paged data table component with ElementPlus TableV2 。

  <div style="height: 400px">
      <template #default="{ height, width }">
    layout="prev, pager, next" 

<script setup>
import { onMounted, ref, watch } from 'vue'

const props = defineProps({
  modelValue:  {
    type: Array,
    default: () => []
  columns: {
    type: Array,
    default: () => []

const emit = defineEmits(['on-load'])

const data = ref(props.modelValue)

const currentPage = ref(1)

const loadPageData = (index) => {
  //With emit, events can be thrown into the designer for configuration
  emit('on-load', index) 

onMounted(() => {
  emit('on-load', currentPage.value) 

watch(() => props.modelValue, (val) => {
  data.value = val

Import into Designer

Registerer Component

First at all you should register the components in your own project.

import CustomPaginationTable from 'PaginationTable.vue'

app.use(FormMakingV3, {
  components: [{
    name: 'custom-pagination-table',
    component: CustomPaginationTable // Your custom component

You could also use Vue.component for the registration.

app.component('custom-pagination-table', CustomPaginationTable)

Configuration in Designer


  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        customFields: [
            name: 'Paging data list',
            el: 'custom-pagination-table',
            options: {
              defaultValue: [],
              labelWidth: 0,
              isLabelWidth: false,
              hidden: false,
              dataBind: true,
              validator: '',
              extendProps: {
                columns: [] //Used to configure the columns of the table
            events: {
              onLoad: '' //Defines events that the designer can configure to handle events from the component emit
View the effect

Configuration Component Table

Table Column Configuration

In the Field Properties panel, set the Extended Properties Configuration.

Extended property configuration

	"columns": [
			"title": "list1",
			"dataKey": "c1",
			"width": 200
			"title": "list2",
			"dataKey": "c2",
			"width": 200
			"title": "list3",
			"dataKey": "c3",
			"width": 200
			"title": "list4",
			"dataKey": "c4",
			"width": 200

Table Column Configuration (Visual)^1.4.5

In addition to the above configuration list via JSON, we provide another way to configure columns via custom properties.

Template configuration

<script setup>
const customFields = reactive([
    name: 'Paging data list',
    el: 'custom-pagination-table',
    options: {
      extendProps: { 
        columns: [] // Used to configure the columns of the table
      customProps: { 
        columns: customColumns 

const handleAddColumn = (columns) => { 
  let len = columns.length
    "title": "list" + (len + 1), 
    "dataKey": "c" + (len + 1), 
    "width": 200
const handleRemoveColumn = (columns, index) => { 
  columns.splice(index, 1) 

    <template #widgetconfig="{data, customProps}">
      <el-form-item v-if="data.el == 'custom-pagination-table'" :label="t('columns')">
          <div :key="index" v-for="(item, index) in customProps.columns" style="display: flex; margin-bottom: 10px;">
              <el-input placeholder="Title" clearable  v-model="item.title"></el-input>
              <el-input placeholder="DataKey" clearable  v-model="item.dataKey"></el-input>
              <i @click="handleRemoveColumn(customProps.columns,index)" style="font-size: 16px;margin: 0 5px;cursor: pointer;"><i class="iconfont icon-delete"></i></i>
        <el-button link type="primary" @click="handleAddColumn(customProps.columns)">{{$t('fm.actions.addOption')}}</el-button>

View the effect

Load Data

The on-load event of data loading was thrown to the designer by emit from the custom component for configuration. In the Field Property Panel-Action Settings, we added the following configuration of the onLoad event:

function () {
  // $eventArgs The variable stores the emit event's arguments
    const { $eventArgs } = arguments[0]

  const currentPage = $eventArgs[0]

  let listdata = Array.from({length: 10}).map((_, index) => {
    let row = (currentPage - 1) * 10 + (index + 1)

    return {
      c1: `Row ${row} Column 1`,
      c2: `Row ${row} Column 2`,
      c3: `Row ${row} Column 3`,
      c4: `Row ${row} Column 4`

    list: listdata
View the effect